Token Addresses

Supply and Earning

VERSE has an unlimited supply and is earned when a user moves in Solo or Background Mode.

Following are the contract and bridge address:

VERSE (SPL) Contract address: AFbX8oGjGpmVFywbVouvhQSRmiW2aR1mohfahi4Y2AdB

STARS (SPL) Contract address: AFbX8oGjGpmVFywbVouvhQSRmiW2aR1mohfahi4Y2AdB



VERSE Burning Mechanics (Destroying)

The VERSE is burned by:

  1. Joystick-Unboxing

  2. Repair and restore HP

  3. Leveling up Joystick

  4. Loot Shards upgrade

  5. Unlocking Socket

  6. Opening Mystery Box

  7. Joystick Enhancement

VERSE Earning Mechanics (General)

Staking VERSE gets you more VERSEs!

STARS Earning Mechanics (General)

Following are the STARS been distributed to each pool daily:

Classic Pool: 20%

Rainbow Pool: 30%

Rainbow Plus Pool: 50%

Rainbow Infinite Pool: Schadenfreude Pool (Mechanics TBD)

There is NO earning cap for STARS. Rather, the earning is changing dynamically every 1 mins based on the live STARS earners at the time. Similar to the concept of Hashrates*, the STARS earning is calculated and settled every 1 minutes based on the total Rainbow Power (Rainbow Pools) and Comfort (Classic Pool) been utilized in this 1 minutes.

When STARS earning is launched, the Classic Pool will be launched first (100%), followed by the Rainbow Pool (40% Classic Pool, 60% Rainbow Pool), and then followed by the Rainbow Plus Pool (20% Classic Pool, 30% Rainbow Pool and 50% Rainbow Plus Pool).

* Hashrate refers to how much computing power is being used by a network (for example, the Bitcoin network) to process transactions. Take Bitcoin for example. Every couple weeks, the Bitcoin protocol automatically adjusts how difficult it is to mine new bitcoins based on the current Hashrate. When the Hashrate is high, the mining difficulty is high and thus reward is low. When the hashrate falls, the difficulty falls with it and thus reward is high.

STARS Earning Mechanics (Classic Pool)

Classic Pool is designed for all the Non-Rainbow Sneakers, Classic Pool comprises 20% of daily released STARS . In Classic Pool, different Sneaker types plays a contributing factor to STARS earning just like how VERSE earning works.

Level requirement

STARS earning is only available to Sneakers that reaches to Level 30.

Halving Mechanics

Each day, a set number of STARS will be unlocked to earn. The daily release of STARS is fixed until exactly two years after the STARS earning is enabled, which the daily release will be halved.

Pro rata Mechanic

The STARS earning per person are pro rata based. The more users earning GMT at a given time, the less STARS earning will be available per person. Vice Versa.

Comfort Mechanics

The more Comfort, the higher the earning.

STARS Earning Mechanics (Rainbow and Rainbow Plus Pool)

If the Classic Sneakers as the Generation Zero STARS earner. Then Rainbow Sneaker is the Generation One STARS earner. There is a chance to get Rainbow Sneaker from Sneaker Enhancement of Common Sneakers. Rainbow Plus Sneaker is the Generation Two STARS earner. There is a chance to get Rainbow Plus Sneaker from Sneaker Enhancement of Uncommon Sneakers.

Find out more about Rainbow Sneakers.


The STARS is minted at the Token Generation Event (TGE), with a total of 6,000,000,000 minted on 9th Mar 2022. Following is the contract address of STARS:

STARS Vesting Mechanics

30% of total STARS will be distributed to users through move&earn and Governance participation. To ensure the longevity of the STEPN project, the total release of STARS will halve every three years. For more about STARS token distribution and vesting schedule, please visit

STARS Burning Mechanics (Destroying)


  1. Burn STARS to reach level 5/10/20/29/30

  2. Burn STARS to upgrade Level 4+ Gems

  3. Burn STARS to mint ALL Sneaker qualities

  4. Burn STARS to re-distribute Attribute points

  5. Burn STARS to enhance a better quality Sneaker

Enhance In-app Mechanics

  1. Burn STARS to permanently increase GST Daily Earning Cap

  2. Burn STARS to permanently improve success rate of ALL Gem upgrade

  3. Burn STARS to permanently improve the chance to receive a higher quality Sneaker from opening Shoebox

  4. Burn STARS to permanently improve the chance to receive TWO Sneaker from Shoe-Minting

STARS Staking Rules

Coming Soon.

Last updated