Shaga Staking Emissions

Shaga Stakers play a crucial role in securing the network and participating in governance. To reward their contributions, stakers will receive emissions based on a detailed scoring system.

Emissions Breakdown:

  • 5-Year Emissions: 10% of the Shaga Token Supply will be distributed over a 5-year period based on the following scoring system.

Scoring System:

Stakers are evaluated and rewarded based on the following factors:

  • Amounts of Tokens Locked (A): Total tokens staked.

  • Time Horizon of Tokens Locked (B): Duration for which tokens are locked.

  • Staker is also a PC Owner (C): Bonus for stakers who are also PC owners.

  • Staker is also a Client (D): Bonus for stakers who are also clients.

  • Governance Participation (E): Involvement in governance activities.

  • Loyalty Score (F): Long-term engagement and contributions to the network.

Weighting and Scoring:

Each factor is assigned a weight (wA, wB, wC, wD, wE, wF), and the overall score (W) is calculated as follows:

W=A×wA+B×wB+C×wC+D×wD+E×wE+F×wFW = A \times wA + B \times wB + C \times wC + D \times wD + E \times wE + F \times wFW=A×wA+B×wB+C×wC+D×wD+E×wE+F×wF

Distribution Mechanism:

  • Monthly Emissions: The total emissions for each month are entirely distributed to all qualifying stakers based on their scores.

  • Incentivizing Participation: If there are few stakers, the emissions per staker will be higher, encouraging more stakers to join and balance the network.

By using this system, Shaga ensures that stakers are fairly rewarded for their contributions, fostering a robust and dynamic network.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. How are emissions allocated to stakers? Emissions are distributed based on a scoring system that evaluates various performance and contribution factors.

  2. What happens if there are few stakers? If there are few stakers, the emissions per staker will be high, incentivizing more stakers to join and balance the network.

  3. How often are emissions distributed? Emissions are distributed monthly to all qualifying stakers.

  4. What specific activities are rewarded? Activities such as the amount and duration of tokens locked, being a PC owner or client, governance participation, and loyalty are rewarded.

Last updated